Tuesday, 5 December 2017

School Camp 5 - 7 Dec 2017

   School Camp 5-7 Dec 2017

Last year’s camp we went to Otamarakau and slept in a tent/marae. The best thing, for me, about the camp was that it was right next to a beach and a train track.
 At the beach there were kayaks that some people paddled in. There was a really deep bit in the water where you could jump in. At night we roasted marshmallows and burnt our faces looking at the fire.
 We drove to Kiwifruit Country and met a dog called Tilly. We went in a giant kiwi fruit cart and looked around at all the kiwifruit trees. Our guide was telling us all about the trees.
On the last day of camp, we planted trees next to the river bank. We got a shovel and dug up holes. We said good bye to the camp and drove off. When I thought we were going home we went to a lake and did a treasure hunt for things.
Then we drove back to school and went home, exhausted but happy.
By Patrick and Lochie.
Visiting Kiwifruit Country.
                   Campfire and toasting marshmallows
Planting karaka trees along the riverbank
                           Camp Otamarakau 2018 - done!