Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Matamata Community of Learning / Kaahui Ako Survey

This survey is an opportunity to find out about your perceptions and views of your child's/children's experiences in the school. 

The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your responses are anonymous. The responses will be collated and used to provide evidence to inform decision making about next steps with regard to professional development in your school.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey:

Staff and students click on the appropriate link below please:

Many thanks

Friday, 12 May 2017

Parent Interviews

If you wish to make a time to meet with your child's teacher to discuss their progress and learning please make an appointment by using the link to our Google Sheet or by clicking on the picture below. Simply add your child's name in the time-slot you require, then press enter. No need to save or share.

Please ensure that your Year 2-6 student attends the interview so that they can discuss their goals with you. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about their learning, academic progress or social needs.

If neither of these dates work for you, or you feel you may need a longer time to discuss your child's learning please speak directly to the teacher concerned to organise an alternative time.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Preschool Tabloids

What a fun afternoon of activities we had today! A group of children from Kid's corner - and a few of our younger whanau came along to our school for our tabloids. The weather didn't stop us  - we just moved the games into the hall!
The Year 4-6 students organised a series of simple games and guided our younger students and our little visitors through the various activities - three legged race, ball over and under, follow the leader, throw the bean bag into the hoop, "noughts and crosses" relay and a feijoa and spoon race. We then finished with a relay tag race.

It was so lovely to see the caring way that the older students assisted the younger ones - and everyone spoke about having made new friends! A true example of tuakana-teina in action!